Dr. Didem Aydurmus

Faculty - Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)

Dr. Didem Aydurmus


Didem holds a Ph.D. in Political Science (Istanbul Bilgi University) and Master in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Islam studies and Politics of South Asia (Ruprecht-Carls-University Heidelberg). She has lived and worked in the China, Turkey and the United States. She has expertise in the fields of degrowth, ecological politics, ethics, identity politics, racism, political systems and theory.

Besides academia, she is actively involved in civil society and politics in the areas of anti-racism, animal rights and the environment. In the past, she has worked in the European Parliament in Brussels and for the European Citizens Initiative “End the Cage Age”.

Dr. Didem Aydurmus is also active politically, currently she is serving as elected Member of the Left political Party of Germany (die Linke)

Her Ph.D dissertation is available at https://mahb.stanford.edu/library-item/survival-despite-people-democratic-destruction-sustainable-meritocracy/